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How to choose a rail / I-beam for the crane track of overhead cranes

If you purchase a crane in a new room or want to replace unsuitable crane tracks, we recommend using the information below:

- Rails for supporting bridge cranes are selected according to the instructions of the crane manufacturer in the passport or (if there is no indication of the manufacturer) according to Table 5.2 of GOST R 56944-2016. We attach an excerpt:

Table 5.2

Estimated load from the crane running wheel on the rail, kNRail type
Up to 50 inclusiveR43 according to GOST 7173 or steel square 50×50 mm according to GOST 2591
Sv. 50 up to 300 inclusiveR43 according to GOST 7173 or KR70 according to GOST 4121
SV. 300 to 400, inclusiveR50, GOST R 51685 or KR70 GOST 4121
SV. 400 to 500, inclusiveR65 GOST R 51685, KR80 or KR100 GOST 4121
SV. 500 to 800 inclusiveR75, GOST R 51685, KR100 or KR120 GOST 4121
SV. 800 to 1000, inclusiveKR120 GOST 4121
SV. 1000KR140 according to GOST 4121


- Guides for overhead cranes-I-beams according to GOST 19425 according to clause 5.1.6 of GOST R 56944-2016. We attach an excerpt:

5.1.6 As rails for overhead cranes, cargo trucks, electric and manual hoists, I-beams according to GOST 19425 are used, taking into account the temperature of the working state of the crane operated on them:

— at operating temperatures from plus 40°C to minus 20°C-made of low-carbon steels VSt3sp5 according to GOST 380;

— at operating temperatures from plus 40°C to minus 40°C-made of low-alloy steels 09G2S, 09G2-12 according to GOST 19281.

As rails for overhead cranes, it is allowed to use the profiles provided for in the operating documentation of the crane, made in accordance with international standards from materials that meet the requirements of this standard for the temperatures of the operating state of the crane.

Special profiles specified in the manufacturer's certificate are used as rails for light overhead cranes (light crane systems supplied complete with supporting metal structures).

If self-selection causes difficulties, contact the nearest sales office in Russia and the CIS for advice.

Rais Akhmetzyanov
deputy Director for Technical Affairs
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